Saturday 23 July 2016

The Romans

The Romans.



In said reference, and to the said here previous post, and on African Civilization, it too can be said here that, Egypt, and as said too whole, was in all even said believed, truly ruled over, and by the Egyptian Priesthoods, and who could too be simply said Copt. that is, and in Title too.

African Civilization

African Civilization.

When we do in all here, speak, or posit on, the very said even Idea, and of Civilization, and as said truly African, we are too now, said to in all even juxtapose it all, and to speak and of that Civilization, simply said Roman too that is. That it is the said Roman World, and in said ruling too, and that does too give a said credence in all, and to the very said existence, and of Civilization, and as truly said African that is, and if not as said here Libyan, Egyptian, Nubian/Meroitic, and African too that is.

That Civilization, and as said too African, and as said now to refer, and to talk too and of North Eastern Africa, does too say that, it is that Civilization said Libyan, and that is too now, simply said to exist, and as simply too said even Polity, and if not of the very said manner too, the Western World today, is believed said to very much in all exist that is. That it is that Civilization, said too African, but now said to exist, and in Egypt in itself too, and that is too said founded in all, and in talk and of what Christianity, is in all even said to be, and if not of the very said struggle, and by those said too African, and to in all even truly, define their very own selves, and in said creed too, and if not of the said attempt, to in all very much prove, the said legitimacy or validity too, and of their said religious beliefs too that is. That it is the African and in Egypt, and that does too claim heir, and to the said Legacy, and of Builders of the Pyramids in Egypt that is.

In talk of that Civilization though, said Egyptian, speak now, and of 'the Gods', and if not of what it does mean to be said Sacred, but that in all again, it is that Civilization said Nubian, or Meroitic too, and that is said to be of interest to some, and in now saying that, it all too can be said even grounded, and in the very said term of Commerce that is, and as said even truly defining and of Existence in itself [Link], and such that, Egyptian Civilization, and as said even truly defining and of both Italy, or Europe too, is actually believed said Nubian, or Meroitic too, and not as said distinctively Egyptian either that is.

Saturday 16 April 2016

the Egyptian

the Egyptian.

Many must have heard, and of 'the Italian', and of his said exploits, and in the famed Dumas work of 'The Count of Monte Cristo' that is, and which too, can be said a work, and that does in all even deal, and with speak and of the Ruling in itself that is.

The search, and for the said even unknown Identity, and of 'the Egyptian' though, might be of interest to some, for it is too believed it was 'he' in all, and who did in all even defy, the Ruling in itself, and in the said search, and for what too, did lie, and in the very depths, and of his very Soul too. That 'the Egyptian', could very well too, have resided, and in the famed Egyptian City, and of Heliopolis that is, and in a said Egypt, and that is too often presented today, and as said too Dynastic, and if not as said even rather Geo-Political that is, and of an Egypt said too divided, and into speak and of Upper, Lower and Middle, Egypt that is.

In saying that, the search for the said unknown in all, Identity that is, and of 'the Egyptian', does too probably have one, perceiving Egypt, and from speak and of the Stage, Theatre, and if not of the Market too, it then all, does lead, and to speak and of an Egypt, and as often not presented, and from speak too, and of racial, ethnic and if not regional classifications that is. That the Pharaohs of Egypt, were too said white, brown and black, and could too have been said to have perceived themselves as such, and such that, it all too could be said to lead, and to a said manner in all, and of viewing Egypt, and that would associate those said even white, and with speak of Egyptian Cities, and in Planning or Architecture too, those said brown, and with speak of Dwellings and Settlements, and if not of the Ruling Classes, and the very Title and of Pharaoh too, but that in all again, those said black, were too, very much said even Copt that is. 

In saying there is more to all this, is to now speak, and of Egypt, and as fartherly classified, and as said even Egyptian, or African too, and with those said African, simply said in all, living lives, and as said even truly defined and by speak and of Community, the Commune, and if not of the Communal too, but in saying that, it all too is said a History, and that is too said even Hebrew, Nazarene or even Freemason too perhaps, is to now speak and of it all, and as said even perceived truly, and from speak and of the Egyptian State in itself.

Biblia ya Kiafrika

Biblia ya Kiafrika.

Biblia ya Kiafrika - Green version

The African Oracle - Link.

Saturday 5 March 2016