Sunday 29 November 2015

Wednesday 25 November 2015



This very entry, now does attempt, to in all even proscribe, a said Worldview, and to the Egyptian Oracle that is. That it does in all even refer, and to the very manner in all, the Egyptian Oracle, does in all even it can be said, perceive, our very World today, and in speak too now, and of Inequalities, and if not of Inequity in itself too that is. That it all too now does claim, that our very World, is today, very much said defined, and not by speak truly, and of Racism, Prejudice and Intolerance too, but that in all again, in said speak, and of what Consensus, is said to be. 

In saying that, the World and as it is today, is built around speak and of Consensus, is to now too, attempt to claim, that most in all, are in all even said left out, and of the Decision-making process, and that does too speak, and of what Leadership today, is said to be all about : Empowerment. That in the attempt, to simply make it all too clear, Empowerment in all, is now too said referring, and to the very manner in all, most do define Rule, and Regulation in itself that is. 

In saying that, Power, and in the World today, is believed said to lie, and in speak and of the Western World, and if not of Western Institution, is to now too say that, it is a World, said best viewed, and from what Rule, and Regulation, are said to be. That the Western World, is said one, and in speak and of Regulation, but in speak of Rule, it now said too said White, and with Rule too, Western that is, said to refer, and in said History too, and to speak and of the United States (Federalism), Canada (Aristocracy), England (Capitalism), and Russia (Communism) too. In saying that, there is said Power Hegemony in all, and that does too counter, the above said View (or Belief), is to now too, speak of it said Mediterranean that is. That it does in all even refer, and in Regulation too, and to speak and of Spain, Turkey, Egypt, and Italy, but as said having to them, Identity, and that does too speak and of the Mediterranean races (swarthy skinned), but that in speak of Rule, speak now and of Italy, and the Papacy, of Egypt, and as said Coptic, of Turkey, and as said Orthodox, and if not of Spain, and as simply said Occidental that is.

In saying that, what they do call a World Order, does to this very day, hint at, Egyptian History in itself, is to now too, speak, and of what is believed said to speak, and of the true nature of Power, and in the World today. That in speak of Northern America, and if not of Egypt and in History too, Power, is in all even believed said to lay/lie, and in speak, and of what Communications, are/is said to be. That in helping one truly see all this, and for what it is, is to now too, claim that, most of the World, and outside speak of Northern America, now does equate speak and of Power in itself, and with a said even multitude of factors, and that does in all even incorporate, speak and of what Technology, Wealth, Heritage, Nationality, Monetarism, Status, History, Intellectualism etc., are simply said all about. That in speak and of the World and as such, and in the attempt to discern the true nature and of Power and in the World today, one does in all even find, a said winner here, and that does speak and of Northern America truly, and as said too, defining society, and in speak of Communications, and Communications too, said to speak and of the Magnanimous, Discourse, and if not of Illumination in itself too, and in now simply claiming that, it all does too, and in said Magnitude that is, very much mirror, speak in all, and of the said Spirituality, Communications too, and of the Pyramid Builders of Egypt that is.

Thirdly though, is to now refer, and to speak of Jerusalem, and in said regard, and to the very contents, of this Blog. That it all too, now does speak, and of the very manner in all, life in Africa, is said to differ, and from that seen in the rest of the World that is. That those in Africa, are in all even said to struggle, and with speak and of what, the true nature of Sin, is said to be, and in said comparison, and to the rest of the World, and whereby and in all again, one does find/see in all, that most in all, do struggle, and with speak, and of what the true nature of Evil, is said to be. That in saying too that, Dante Alighieri's famed work, 'The Divine Comedy', can in all even be said interpreted as such, in speak of the true nature of Evil that is, is to now too, claim Sin, something more complex in its ways, and than most, would perceive it. That in speak of Egypt, Sin is in all, defined, and in speak and of the said contents, and of the said termed/called 'Egyptian Book of the Dead'. In speak though, and of Tibet too, and of the 'Tibetan Book of the Dead', is to now too claim that, life in Tibet, does differ, and from that seen in the rest of Asia, and in speak too and of its said been defined, and in speak and of Sin, and not Evil truly. In speak though, and of Sin, and as seen in most of the World, and outside Africa too, is to now simply claim it all, Biblical that is [but with the Bible too, simply said, very much a work, and of said Egyptian origins that is]. In speak though, and of this Blog, and as said too defining itself, and in speak of Rule truly, and if not of Aim, and in Sin that is, is to now too, call and to the fore, the very name, and of Jerusalem in itself that is.

Wednesday 30 September 2015



In regard, and to the said previous post on the African Oracle, can it too now be said, there is a lie, often not too told, and about Egyptian Civilization? That Egypt, is too said in Africa, but in now saying that, Africa, is in all even believed defined, and by speak of Commiseration in itself (and of the Funny too), and in said comparison and to speak of Humour in itself that is, and of Egypt too. That Commiseration, does too now speak of Africa, and in Egypt too that is.

The African Oracle

The African Oracle.

It can be said here, that what one could in all term, the African Oracle (Link), does in all even differ, and from the said Egyptian Oracle, and in a said manner too in all, and that does speak of a Media in itself, and if not in speak of one, and as said too, a Knowledge driven being that is. That the African Oracle, can too, be  said and to in all even, be said to speak of Content in itself (or of Human Perception, and as said to refer, and to speak of the Top, and of the Bottom too), while the Egyptian Oracle, is in all even probably best described, and as said too Briefing that is (or in speak too of Human Perception, and as said to speak, and of the Up, and Down too).

Wednesday 23 September 2015

The Phoenix

The Phoenix.

What can be said here, and to be the sole said purpose, and of one, and as said in search of the Phoenix? That it all too, could too be said, and to speak, and of what the Egyptian Oracle, is too, said to be, and in Aim that is. That the Story of Egypt, is too, never told, and in the most said simplest of manners in all, and that does too, now tell a Tale, and of the despicable, horrendous, and if not of the astounding too, and in said regard, and to what too, does pass for Rule, and not for Regulation truly either.  That this all, is too said as such, and in now not having, to Appeal in all, and to ones said Human side for instance, and in the attempt here, to truly tell, the said Story of Egypt in itself that is.

That it is all even said a Story, easy to tell in its ways in all, for it does too, very much come down, and to speak and of two said things, and that do truly define one, and in Success, or Failure, in Love or Misery, and if not in Life and Death too; they said being, Action(s), and Deed(s). That the Egyptian Story, is not what it does appear to be, for it is said to arise too, and in speak of the greatest, and of Action(s), and Deed(s), and that does too speak, and of the said building of Pyramids, and in Egypt too that is. That for some, the Egyptian Story, is said too, and to speak, and of those said in search, and of the Sphinx, and in now attempting to tell one that, the said Story of the Sphinx, does in all even have to do, and with speak and of Action(s), and of Deed(s), and in an Egypt, said populated, and by various said groups of peoples in all, and who do in all even acknowledge, and in speak of Destiny too, that they are in all, said not Destined, and in their said being, Pharaoh for instance [and of the Ruling, and of the Egyptian Dynasties too that is].

It is here, and in all again, and simply where, the said even, Bible tradition, does arise and in a said even tumultuous Egypt, and whose History can too now best be said, and to speak of the very name in all, and of Moses for instance, and such that, the Bible tradition, does in all even ask of Man, and of what is simply said Action(s), and of what too is simply said Deed(s) that is [that the Bible tradition, is said perceived here and in said comparison, and to the Biblical tradition, and which too does speak of Jerusalem, and if not of Israel too]. That it too can be said, and in an Egypt too, now too said Ruled over it can best be said here, and by the Greek too, that it is the Bible tradition in all, and that does too in many a way, triumph over many another said tradition in all, Egyptian, and in Egypt too, for it does in all even now, the Bible tradition that is, speak and of the said world of the Egyptian Mummy too. That it is the Bible tradition, and that can too, be said too, simply said everlasting in its ways in all, and in Egypt, for it does in all even speak of the very name of Horus, and as said too, descriptive in all, and of Egypt and to this very day that is [for while Egypt, is too said Papyrus, the Bible tradition, is in all even said Scroll that is].

The said search of the Phoenix though, does in all even differ and from speak of the said search of the Sphinx, for the former in all, now too, does too speak of Africa, and of the Egyptian Oracle too, and as said too, to speak and of what Aim in itself, is actually said to be, and that in all again, the Egyptian Oracle, will in all even actually attempt to ask of Africa, what does truly pass for Action(s), or of Deed(s), and in Africa, and in now too saying that, nothing of said Interest, does ever truly happen in Africa, for the History of the Sphinx, is said too, very much tied in all, and to speak of the Egyptian Memory, and not that said African either that is.